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Birthday: January 8, 1987
Location: Ann Arbor, MI

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Total Entries: 79
Total Won/Lost: $7,399.42
Total Hours: 255
Earnings/Hour: $28.97
Biggest Win: $2,196.00
Biggest Loss: -$133.00


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Poker Log Entry for jaspinal

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January 5, 2007, 12AM: Played 5 hours, Made $16.30 at Full Tilt Poker
$5 Buy-In No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament

Played multiple $5 18 person sng's tonight.  The last two I cashed in placing 2nd and 3rd so I won $27 and $18 respectively.  In the sng where I finished 3rd i had 69 and limped into the bb and he checked.  The flop was 10-9-4 so I was liking my hand.  I went all in for about 4,000 more chips and he called with KQ hitting a King on the river.  Some other sng's I played today I bubbled in.  One was a turbo 9 person one where I finished fourth after my 10's lost to AJ on the river after putting all the money in preflop.  In another $5 18 person sng I was holding QJ spades and the flop came J89.  It was checked to me so I bet and everyone folded except for the big blind who pushed all in for the rest of my chips.  This guy was terrible so I put him on the open-ended draw and felt relatively good that I had one of his outs in the Queen.  Well he had 10-4 and hit a Queen on the river to beat me in about 7ish place.  Two more sng's I lost in today I chased a flush with AQ spades on a board of 794.  I thought I possibly had two overs as well but he ended up having A9 and he beat me.  I usually don't chase flushes but he checked it to me and I bet and then he raised me so I only had like 500 more in front of me.  In another one I bad a semi-loose call with JQ clubs after flopping an open-ended straight and flush draws but did not hit.  So if a couple of those situations change I could have been up a lot more for the day, but now it is time for bed as it is 3:30 a.m.  I'll probably be playing a lot tomorrow and this weekend as all my classes tomorrow are canceled and so I can keep busy while watching football this weekend.  That's a long one little entry I have here.

Last Update: January 5, 2007, 12:28AM

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